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Flender awarded EcoVadis Platinum Medal

German drive specialist Flender announced that it has once again been awarded the platinum medal by EcoVadis, the world’s most renowned provider of sustainability ratings for companies.

Flender remains in the top one percent of companies rated by EcoVadis. Having already been earned the gold medal in its first application in 2022, Flender has now received the highest possible recognition for the second time in a row.

Since the last assessment, the overall score has risen from 78 to 83 thanks to the introduction of additional guidelines and projects. In the environmental area, an improvement from 80 to 90 points was achieved. In the area of ethics, the score rose from 70 to 80.

Specific projects that have contributed to the EcoVadis rating include the introduction of a process for using heat from production processes to generate energy and increase energy efficiency. Regular monitoring and tests also guarantee environmental protection in production. Other measures promote the mental and physical well-being of employees as well as their career development. Regular audits ensure compliance with fair competition guidelines and evaluate Flender’s suppliers in terms of environmental and social aspects. In addition, product innovations such as increasing the power density of wind gearboxes are driving the energy transition and reducing the consumption of resources.

Flender has an advanced sustainability management system that covers all four areas covered by EcoVadis – environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The current result reflects the high quality of this system and underlines the company’s commitment to promoting transparency throughout the value chain.